Hot Toys Black Widow

Another part of my collection, that I’m actively collecting right now are Hot Toys.

Based on the Avengers movie, they’re going to be releasing the entire line of Avengers, even some they’ve released before.

Just as a small preview, here’s my Black Widow 1.0.  Going to post more Hot Toys later on. 🙂

Toys! Toys! Toys!

Welcome to my current attempt (of untold many) at creating a blog, where I can talk and ramble about toys, maybe games and comics as well.  Hopefully there will be regular updates, but since I’m not sponsored with toys, I’ll just start by going through random stuff in my collection, which may or may not be current stuff, but will always be cool stuff in my eyes!

Hope you enjoy, but if not, I know I will!

Over the next little while, expect to see Minimates, Hot Toys, Transformers, and whatever else I can find in my room!