Drowning in 2 inches

One of my long time collections is Minimates, which I’ve been collecting since pretty much the very start.  They started out around 2001/2002, and are currently doing some 10th anniversary stuff.

I started to build a list of the minimates I have, and I probably have over 750… jeebus.

Just to give you an idea, here’s some boxes I’m trying to sort out.

Sorting them into little individual baggies, by Wave (they are released in groups)


So, in the first picture, you’ll see 3 boxes.  Here’s a bunch I haven’t even opened yet!

Landslide of boxes!

Over the next little while, I’m going to try to sort these all out and show some of the individual waves.  Let me know if you see something you want to see in more detail first.

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