Marvel Minimates Wave 1

This is where it all started folks…

At the time, I didn’t actually have the full set (I technically still don’t) of the first wave of Minimates.

See, the thing is, with these “Comic specialty” waves, there is always 1 set that is marked a variant set, very limited.  For Wave 1, it’s Elektra in black.

Here in this picture, you can see the characters, and the 2 packs they were in

Yellow Daredevil / Elektra

Daredevil / Kingpin

Hulk / Bruce Banner

These were pretty awesome at the time I got them, especially Kingpin, which deviates from the normal size, and sets a precedence for them to add bulkier parts (sometimes better, sometimes worse).

Here’s an evolution of how Marvel Wave 1 (2002) compares to something released in 2011 (Marvel vs Capcom)… (whoops, I am missing new Hulk’s shoulder pads)

Notice how much bulkier they made Hulk, and really shows a size difference between someone like a Hulk and a Spider-man.

My attempt at shooting a video :

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